• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 10, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 18 Godly advice. Read Exodus chapter 18. Moses had a visitor. His father-in-law, Jethro, came to visit him with the rest of Moses’s family. While he was there, Jethro saw all that God had been doing for the people and he praised God and worshipped him. Then, Jethro got a chance to see what Moses’s day to day responsibilities included. That was when he realized that there was some opportunity for Moses to be more effective. Jethro gave Moses some great leadership advice about the importance of delegation and being able to share the responsibility with others. Sometimes, we can get so busy and focused on…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 8, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 16 Really?? Read Exodus chapter 16. One of my favorite emojis to use is the Face Palm 🤦🏼‍♀️ So often throughout my day, that sums up how I feel about situations that occur or the way people have responded. It’s an expression that says, “Are you kidding me? What were you thinking?” I’ve often wondered if that expression came into being during this time in history when God was dealing with the Israelite people. I think God must have used that expression multiple times as different people and situations continue to try his patience. However, God continued to be merciful and still met their needs even…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 7, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 15 The praise. Read Exodus chapter 15. What happens in the aftermath of the Red Sea miracle? Well, praise of course. The people are so grateful and so in awe of all that God has done to save them, they spend the next bit in praise of God. Multiple songs are sung and God is exalted in all of his glory and majesty. When we think about all that God has done in our life, do we take the time to praise him for it? Do we sit in reflection and recognition of all that God has provided for us? The things that God has done…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 6, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 14 Get a move on. Read Exodus chapter 14. The people found themselves by the sea with the army closing in. How does God respond to their cries for help? God tells them to get a move on. They need to actually keep moving forward and even though they didn’t see a way, God did and he revealed that path to them. When we’re experiencing challenges and difficulties, God wants us to continue being obedient to him. We are to continue moving forward in whatever path God has for us, even if we can’t see the path. There is trust that happens when we move forward…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 5, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 13 Share the message. Read Exodus chapter 13. As God continues to direct the Israelite people, we see God giving specific instructions to the people regarding why they are doing what they are doing. What’s more, God wants them to understand how to share the message of why they are doing it with their children. No matter what God does in our life, we are responsible for sharing that message with our the next generation. God’s work in our lives is always amazing and that story needs to be shared so that others can see the mighty works of God. Are we sharing not just what…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 4, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 12 An event to restart time. Read Exodus chapter 12. As we come to chapter 12, we read one of the largest events in history. This event was so monumental and so unbelievable that God actually tells the people to use this as an event to change their calendar by. No longer would they follow any other calendars from any other peoples or places, they would follow his calendar based on his salvation. God does amazing and remarkable things every day, but some days there are those events that are so life-changing, so revolutionary, that we start to mark all other time based on that event.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 3, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 11 Your reputation is about more than you. Read Exodus chapter 11. I’m sure that Moses didn’t feel like people liked him very much. I mean his own people had already demonstrated that they were frustrated with him and how things were going. However, here we see that God made the Egyptian people actually respect Moses. He was well thought of among their people. What we need to understand is that our reputation actually it’s not always up to us. God can shift and move that in whatever way he sees fit so that he can be glorified in every way. Our responsibility is simply to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 2, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 10 Continued difference. Read Exodus chapter 10. If things weren’t intense enough before, now they’re really starting to heat up. The Egyptians continue to want the Israelites to leave. Pharaoh continues to say no. Moses and the Lord continue to bring plagues. We still see in many cases the differentiation between the Israelite people and the Egyptians. The Egyptians walked around in complete and total darkness for 3 days, but the Israelites had light where they lived for those days. If we examine our life, which would we have been? Would we have been in darkness for 3 days, or would we have been in the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 1, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 9 Unexpected converts. Read Exodus chapter 9. When we think of this story, often we only think of the Pharaoh and his response to God. However, other people were listening to all that Moses was saying and doing and what we find here, many of them believed Moses. Many of them started to recognize God is the one true God. As a result, when they heard all that was coming, they took action and would follow through on what God has told the people to do. Sometimes,while we may be giving a message to one person or sharing with them, we don’t realize the additional impact…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 31, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 8 The distinction. Read Exodus chapter 8. While we’ve known that God has been sending plagues on the Egyptians, in this chapter we learn something very important. The first two plagues impacted both the Egyptians and the Israelites. Even though it was the Egyptians who were being disobedient to God, everyone they were around was impacted by the plagues as well. So the Israelite people, even though they were the ones who were wanting and needing to be saved, they had to go through the challenges of some of the plagues. It wasn’t until the third plague that God said he would make a distinction between…