• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 22, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 16 Promises. Read 1 Kings chapter 16. A s we read through this chapter and see all of the tremendously evil kings of Israel, this verse is thrown at the very end of the chapter. It’s interesting to me to see this verse here and while it does happen chronologically in time during Ahab’s reign, it’s also a very stark reminder that God absolutely keeps his promises. There were oaths made about what would happen to someone who tried to rebuild Jericho because God had brought destruction upon that city for its evil. Someone did rebuild it and those promises came true. Meanwhile we have a…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 20, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 15 Legacy. Read 1 Kings chapter 15. As we read through this chapter of multiple kings from both Judah and Israel, we see very few who are actually followers of God. In fact, this verse is stated about a king who did not follow God, but God preserved his line because he was a descendant of David. God kept his promises to David. It’s important to realize that while we cannot truly control the actions of those that come after us, our legacy can impact those we leave behind. Our obedience to God is something that God can choose to reward for the generations to come.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 19, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 14 More evil. Read 1 Kings chapter 14. As we read this, we see that there Lord is bringing judgment on the king that he set up. Jeroboam isn’t following God and as a result, God decides to remove him as king. Sometimes transition is because of sin. God has a right to move people id they aren’t going to follow him. How would God describe us? Are we following him in every area?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 18, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 13 Even after this. Read 1 Kings chapter 13. So much happens in this chapter! As we read through, the man of God comes to King Jeroboam. He does tremendous acts of demonstrating God’s power, and he helps Jeroboam to see that what he is doing is wrong. Now, Jeroboam only cares about it when it impacts him personally and once he gets that fixed, he’s not bothered by any of the other sin that he is committing. However the story of everything that happened after had to have gone through the entire area. How could Jeroboam not have recognized God’s plan and intervention in this…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 16, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 12 Two kings, two terrible pieces of advice. Read 1 Kings chapter 12. As we read this chapter, we see that there are two kings in Israel at this point and both of them accepting truly awful pieces of advice that end up ruining them both. When we are seeking advice, it is important to make sure that we are wise about who we are choosing advice from. We must make sure that those people that give us advice are seeking godly wisdom. We have no reason to follow advice that doesn’t come from Godly council. When we are seeking advice, are we seeking Godly advice,…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 15, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 11 Solomon’s “short” reign. Read 1 Kings chapter 11. While there have been a few chapters that we read about the reign of Solomon, there wasn’t nearly as many as were written about David’s reign. Why is that? It has to do with the fact that Solomon disobeyed God. He started out strong and followed the Lord and did what was right, but unfortunately as his life went on he was distracted by the women in his life. He began following anything and everything else besides God. As a result, God tore the kingdom away from him. What could have been chapters and chapters of all…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 14, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 10 Solomon’s reputation. Read 1 Kings chapter 10. The Queen of Sheba came for a visit. She had heard of the wisdom of Solomon but interestingly she had also heard about his relationship with the Lord. She came to test him and to see what that was like. What she found was that Solomon was indeed as wise as his reputation suggested. As a result, she praised. God it’s interesting to note that what she had also heard about was his relationship with God. not just about his wisdom. She understood where his wisdom came from. She praised the Giver of that wisdom not the recipient.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 13, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 9 Sometimes it’s on us. Read 1 Kings chapter 9. While is true that bad things can happen to people that don’t deserve it, it is also true that sometimes we do deserve it. God reminded the people that if they don’t follow him, they will have to endure the consequences. The same is true for us. We must follow and obey him or we could experience the same consequences in our own lives. Are we following him today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 12, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 8 God leads transition. Read 1 Kings chapter 8. As we read through this passage, it’s important to remember that God is the one who orchestrates transition. No changes occur outside of what God has for each situation. When we take a look at the incredible blessing and dedication prayer that Solomon prays over the new temple, we see very clearly that God is the one who orchestrated this and planned this from the very beginning. God moves through transition, but he remains the same. It’s important to understand that transition is never really about the change, it’s about God being always the same, and he…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 11, 2024

    Times of Transition, Day 7 Time and priorities. Read 1 Kings chapter 7. We see that while Solomon made the temple the most amazing thing ever constructed, it didn’t stay that way. Solomon then built his own palace and it took almost twice as long and was even more grand and lavish than God’s house. Do we give our best to God? Do we save the best for ourselves instead of ensuring that God gets the best? Solomon used the best for himself, instead of reserving that for God.