The Decay Within
Are you decaying from the inside out?
When others look at your life, what do they see? Someone who seems to have it all together with the perfect clothes, the perfect kids, and the perfect marriage? But what’s behind that perfect façade? Who are you on the inside? We may look like we have it all together, when, in reality, we’re rotting away like the bones inside a beautifully decorated tomb.
God sent Amos to give the people of Israel a message of judgment and destruction. They looked like they had it all together, but their focus was on the pleasures of this world. In this Bible study, the reader will work through the words of Amos as he pleads with the people of Israel to replace their decaying foundation with one that is living, fresh, and whole. Amos’s words will resonate with 21st-century readers who encounter the same challenges in new forms.
Are you tired of acting like you have it all together when inside you’re falling apart? Join author Kristi Burchfiel as she guides you through a study on how to experience abundant life and drive out The Decay Within.