Christian Devotional – June 21, 2022
The One Jesus Loved, Day 16

Final reminders. As we come to the end of this first letter that John wrote, he ends with several reminders. Read 1 John 5:13-21.
John wanted the people to know and understand the truth of who God is. He just told them that if you have the son you have the life. So what does having the life mean?
As we look at the importance of what it means to have life in Jesus Christ, we see so many reminders through these verses. We need to remember that we are children of Jesus Christ and at the rest of the world is evil. Sinners will always act like sinners. We shouldn’t expect them to do anything different. The real question is will children of God act like children God?
As we are following Jesus Christ, we can share with others and demonstrate the life that is obedient and submissive to the calling of Jesus Christ in our life. Are we that example to those that we are around? If not, how can we be more like that today?