
Christian Devotional – August 15, 2016

Read 1 Kings chapter 20


1 Kings 20:11–Meanwhile, a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and announced, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Do you see this vast army? I will give it into your hand today, and then you will know that I am the Lord.'”


The people were not following God and were not listening to Him. This time, instead of waiting for the people to get taken over, God decides to deliver them early as a sign to the people that He is their God and that He cares for them and is watching out for them. The people had fallen away from Him, but He was trying to draw them back. When you look at your life today, what areas do you see God moving in where He is reminding you of all that He has done for you? What places do you see God’s hand touching and impacting your life? Thank Him and turn to Him, for He desires to lead You.


Father, I will follow You. I get so distracted from time to time and it’s hard to know exactly what I need to be doing, but I will trust in You. Help me see all the things that You are doing that are part of Your perfect plan for me.