
Christian Devotional – March 5, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 4


Joshua 4:14–That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses.


Often we get so worried about what other people think of us or what our reputation is among others. Quite frankly, God is the one in charge of that. If we are doing the things that we are supposed to be doing and seeking to be obedient to Him, then God will be the one who is in charge of our reputation among others. If we get focused on only what other people think of us and not what God thinks of us, then we will fall. Whose opinion of us are we focused on? If we will focus only on what God thinks of us, then God will take care of our reputation with others.


Father, I know that You have a plan and that plan is not for me to be like by everyone, but I desire to be obedient to You. After that, You are in charge of protecting my reputation and giving me favor with the people You desire me to find favor with. I will not be concerned about the opinions of others, for it is only Your opinion that matters.