
Devotional – April 20, 2011

2 Corinthians 2:14–But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

Our relationship with God allows us to walk in victory through Christ. This relationship should be easily seen and recognized by everyone we come into contact with as as sweet aroma. Do we smell sweet to others?

Lord, I pray You will be a sweet aroma through me so that everyone around me today will know of my relationship with You.


  • Rev Brad

    I am always overwhelmed by the Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am currently on a missions trip to New England. Last night at our service we were just speaking of the Sweet aroma of the Lord and then this morning, like a little, token reminder of the Lords goodness this devotional talks about the relationship with the Lord as a sweet aroma.

    Moses was so change by God that he veiled his face because the glory shown from him so bright (2 Cor 3:13).

    As Kristi points out our relationship with Christ should have a similar effect. If we are spending that close intimate time with our Lord (our first love) then we will be changed in a way that is recognizable. It will be an aroma as fine perfume noticeably different from cheep perfume purchased with little to no cost to us.

    Like fine perfume a relationship with our Lord will be costly. the question is are you willing to pay the price. Not just to get good enough perfume. But to go beyond a relationship of mere acquaintance but to that deep abiding in the Lord.

    When we are willing to pay the price and we acquire the expensive costly perfume people will notice it on us as they noticed that aroma like in Solomon 4:11 “The fragrance of your garments is like that of Lebanon.” where the Lord describes His beloved as one having sweet smell.

    Thank you Kristi for posting your daily devotionals, you never know when the Lord will touch someone in a deep way using a simple scripture. Be encouraged in the Lord today.

  • Kristi Burchfiel

    Thanks Brad, God always brings us exactly where He wants us to be through His word. I love how this coincided with your previous night’s message. I’ve been praying for your mission trip and I know that God is doing great and amazing things through you and everyone who is obedient to Him.