
Christian Devotional – August 27, 2023

The Coming Savior, Day 35

A willing heart. Read Exodus chapter 35.

Several places throughout scripture, God talks about offerings. We learn more about what makes up an offering and what the Lord looks for with offerings. Here, we understand that the intent and the heart behind the offering matters. God requested that the people of Israel bring an offering to help with the building of the tabernacle. However, people were only supposed to bring an offering if they were willing.

Now, an offering is different than the tithe. The tithe was something that God mandated be brought to him no matter what. But an offering, that was over and above and was to be done based on the willingness and the heart of the individual bringing it.

When we think about the things we bring to God, whether it’s money or time or resources or energy or talent, first, do we give him the tithe he is due? And second, do we recognize our willingness to give further? Do we give from a willing and thankful heart? Our giving and offering to God shows and demonstrates our love for him.