Christian Devotional – March 19, 2025
Wisdom Squandered, Day 14

Do we value truth? Read Ecclesiastes 7:1-12.
Solomon is known for his proverbs. He is the author of much of the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Here we see him sharing similar wisdom in this part of chapter 7. He explains just how valuable wisdom truly is. He also wants us to understand that it is much better to be confronted with the truth than to be told what you want to hear.
As king, I’m sure Solomon was able to surround himself with plenty of people who would have been willing to tell him anything he wanted to hear. However, that was not going to be helpful. We need to know the truth. We can’t make changes or adjustments if we’re not willing to confront the areas in which we are remember falling short. We can’t plan for things, if we don’t know what the possible outcomes are.
Many leadership books and management books, including “Good to Great,” talk through the importance of being willing to confront the truth of the situation while maintaining an optimistic outlook. As believers in Christ, we have to be willing to admit that we fall short of God’s expectations of us. We need people in our lives who are willing to speak the truth to us, even when that’s not what we want to hear. We need to be willing to accept that truth from them.
Do we have people in our lives who will tell us when we’ve messed up? Do we have people who can hold us accountable and that we have given the freedom to share honestly what they see in our lives? Solomon understands that this is so much more needed than just having people who are willing to tell us whatever we want to hear. Be willing to confront the truth in your own life today.
Watch the video devotional here: