Christian Devotional – May 16, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 11 Our responsibility. Read Deuteronomy chapter 11. As believers and followers of Christ, we have a responsibility. Moses identifies that responsibility for the people in this chapter. Moses is reminding them of all the things they have seen and all the amazing things that God has a done for them. Then, he also explains they are the ones who personally saw God do these things. They have experienced God’s moving personally. As a result, they have a responsibility to share with the people around them who have not experienced that, their children. The children had not experienced all that God had done for them in the…
Christian Devotional – May 15, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 10 Fear, obey, love, and serve. Read Deuteronomy chapter 10. As we see in these verses, this chapter continues with Moses sharing his thoughts to the people. He is now reminding them of the commitment that they have made to God and the commitment that God has made back to them. Their responsibilities are to fear God or respect him, to obey him and do all that he has said, to love him with everything they are, and to serve him in all that they do. While these applied to the people of Israel, they also apply to us today. How are we actively doing these…
Christian Devotional – May 14, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 9 It’s not always about us. Read Deuteronomy chapter 9. When we are looking at all the things that happen to us, often we assume that the good things are a result of God’s blessing and the bad things are a result of God’s judgment. However, interestingly, in this chapter God is reminding the people that they are going ro win battles, but their win will be more about judgment on the other people than it is about their own goodness. We must remember that obedience to God is the reward for what we do. We must stop being focused on what God does for is…
Christian Devotional – May 12, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 8 God gives you the abilities that you have. Read Deuteronomy chapter 8. As we read through this chapter, we see Moses reminding that people of Israel that everything they have and everything they are able to do are a result of God providing that to them. Often we think of our possessions as being something God has provided, but do we remember that our abilities are also provisions of God. The skills that we have and are able to use at work everyday are a result of God’s blessing to us. If we are good at our job, it is because God has given us…
Christian Devotional – May 11, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 7 God’s timeline is based on what he knows we can handle. Read Deuteronomy chapter 7. As we read through this chapter, we see Moses explaining how the people are to completely and utterly destroy the nations that they will encounter when they enter the promise land. Stuck in the middle of all of those verses on destruction is this verse. Moses reminds the people that God is not going to give them victory faster than they can handle it. If they were to conquer too much too fast, they do not have enough people to occupy the land and therefore it would become overrun with…
Christian Devotional – May 10, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 6 With everything. Read Deuteronomy chapter 6. As we read through this chapter, we are reading one of the most important chapters in the life of the Israelite people. This chapter became a reminder of their commitment to follow God in every way. This verse speaks of the importance of loving God with everything that we are. Our heart, our soul, our strength. All of these are ways in which we can demonstrate our love and devotion to God. How are we demonstrating our commitment to God through our heart? How are we demonstrating our commitment in our soul? How is our commitment demonstrated through our…
Christian Devotional – May 9, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 5 Focus. Read Deuteronomy chapter 5. Obedience to God requires focus. As Moses continues to instruct the people of Israel, we find that he is reminding them of the importance of staying focused. Moses goes back through the 10 Commandments and reiterates all the commands that God had given the people. Part of this is a reminder that they need to make sure they are staying focused. We cannot be obedient if we are not focusing on what we are doing. Our obedience to God is a result of our focus on what he has told us to do. Are we staying focused on all that…
Christian Devotional – May 8, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 4 Acknowledge and take to heart. Read Deuteronomy chapter 4. It is two different things to know that God is God and to act as if God is God. We may know that God truly is the one who created everything and to whom we owe everything, but do we actually act that way each and every day? We can acknowledge who God is without acting any differently as a result of that knowledge. When we looked at our lives today, we need to challenge ourselves the way Moses was challenging the people. We must acknowledge that God is the Lord over our entire life, but…
Christian Devotional – May 7, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 3 God fights for us. Read Deuteronomy chapter 3. The people of Israel continue to defeat their enemies on their way to the promised land. When the reach the edge, God reminds them that the success they have had before was because of him and the success they will have after they cross the Jordan river will also be because of him. God is the one who gives us success and he is the one that fights our battles for us. Are we trusting him to do all the things that he will do? Will we continue to be obedient to take the next step that…
Christian Devotional – May 6, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 2 God’s blessing and God’s provision. Read Deuteronomy chapter 2. As Moses continues to recount the history of the people of Israel, we continue to see exactly how God has moved throughout their history. Even in the midst of their rebellion and during times when they were not obedient, God continues to be faithful to them and to provide for them. We know that no matter how much we fall short, God never falls short. God is always faithful to his promises to us. We can always rely on him to do exactly as he has said he will do. God will provide for us as…