Christian Devotional – October 18, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 43 Family, Read Genesis chapter 43. There is something special about the bond of family. Joseph hadn’t seen his brother in many many years. He knew he was still alive based on the other brothers discussion we read about yesterday, but he hadn’t actually seen him until this moment. Joseph couldn’t contain himself in that moment. We need to remember that need for community that we all have, whether it’s biological family, church family, or friend family. Those are the people that truly matter to us in our lives we don’t always understand how much they mean to us until we don’t have them anymore. Joseph recognized…
Christian Devotional – October 17, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 42 God’s plan. Read Genesis chapter 42. It had to have been quite the experience for Joseph to have seen his brothers, watch them bow down to him, and think back to all of the conversations they had had when he was a child. He had told them his dreams that they would bow down to him. Now here he is, and God brings everything to pass. It was emotionally overwhelming for Joseph. So many years have passed, and yet the question that Joseph wonders is are his brothers the same cruel individuals that they were when he was a child? Joseph devices a number of tests…
Christian Devotional – October 16, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 41 One like God. Read Genesis chapter 41. Honestly there is so much in this chapter that it was difficult to focus only on one thing from this whole chapter. We see God work and move in powerful in amazing ways through Joseph in the Egyptian nation. Pharaoh makes this statement in verse thirty-eight, “Can we find anyone like this man in whom is the Spirit of God.” When you think about the culture of Egypt you recognize what a truly phenomenal statement it was. You see, in their culture, Pharaoh wasn’t just king, Pharaoh was God to them. The fact that this Hebrew slave who was…
Christian Devotional – October 15, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 40 Credit. Read Genesis chapter 40. I’ve always found this chapter interesting. People need help and even though Joseph us in prison, he helps. Joseph is in this position of leadership because he has favor with the leader of the prison, like we discussed yesterday. But he doesn’t flaunt that and he doesn’t act like he’s in charge. In fact, when given the opportunity, he goes out of his way to explain that the credit for what he’s going to do actually belongs to God. I have found over the years that favor and credit go together. As I have worked and found favor with my employers…
Christian Devotional – October 14, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 39 Favor. Read Genesis chapter 39. Joseph experienced a couple of new beginnings in this chapter, they just aren’t the kind that you usually want to talk about. So many things about Joseph’s life have always been fascinating to me. One of the key components is how God allowed Joseph to have favor as he worked. It doesn’t really say what Joseph did exactly, but he did the work. It doesn’t say that he talked a lot or shared a lot about his dreams or his past, but God allowed him to have favor with everyone he was around. God gave him success in the most difficult…
Christian Devotional – October 13, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 38 What is right. Read Genesis chapter 38. I’ve heard the Bible described as earthy at times. That can be very true because many of the stories in the Bible show people at their very best and at their very worst. God recognizes that he is the holy one in this story, not us. As we read the story of Judah, we see that he started out trying to do what was right by his daughter-in-law. Unfortunately, he stopped trying to do what was right because he became afraid. As a result his daughter-in-law took matters into her own hands to be able to receive what was…
Christian Devotional – October 12, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 37 Jealousy and favoritism. Read Genesis chapter 37. Today as we read, we begin the story of Joseph. Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob. He was the first born son from Jacob’s favorite wife. And, Joseph had dreams. He received visions from God that gave him a clue into his future. He didn’t know what they meant exactly, but he knew that he would be any position of leadership over the rest of his family. Unfortunately that, together with the favoritism that their father already showed him, made Joseph’s brothers extremely jealous. As a result Joseph was on the receiving end of a lot of really…
Christian Devotional – October 11, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 36 The setup. Read Genesis chapter 36. Here we read through the lineage of Esau. We see all of his descendants and where they lived. Interestingly, it indicates that they were the king’s in that area before Israelite kings were in place. So when we think about the people of Israel coming back after all of their years in Egypt and captivity and taking over the promise land, these were the people that they were taking over from. These were the people who were inhabiting that area and that land before Israel took over. This is the setup for how God was going to move and work.…
Christian Devotional – October 10, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 35 Renewal. Read Genesis chapter 35. Jacob has been through quite a lot in the past few chapters. Some situations he has handled well, other situations he has not. Regardless, God uses the first part of this chapter as an opportunity to renew his commitment to Jacob. God reminds Jacob that he is going to bless him and that he is going to make a great nation of him. God changes his name to Israel so that he will be permanently reminded of this blessing. When we go through all the things that God allows us to, even if we don’t handle everything well, that doesn’t change…
Christian Devotional – October 9, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 34 Anger and deceit. Read Genesis chapter 34. Jacob’s daughter was raped and Jacob’s sons are upset. They are furious it happened. They are furious that Jacob hasn’t done anything. So, they devise a plan to get revenge. Throughout this time, they never came to God. They never consulted Him. With sin in the world, unfortunately evil happens. What happened to Dinah was horrible and inexcusable. Jacob’s sons had every right to be furious. But, even in our anger at the injustices of the world, we can’t outstep God. Vengeance is the Lord’s. We can be angry, but we must bring our anger to God and allow…