Book Review

Book Review – Ears to Hear by Ann Correll

Ears to Hear

Ears to Hear by Ann Correll is a beautifully crafted story about two young boys, Tommy and Timmy. They experience adversity, which forces them to be left alone, and they both have to learn what it really means to listen to the Father.

As Tommy and Timmy struggle with the very real difficulties that they have been placed in, they come face to face with what they have learned about God, the Father. They are challenged to trust Him and encouraged to listen for Him no matter what the circumstances they are faced with. I greatly enjoyed reading this book and found myself eager to turn the next page.

This story breathes with the principles of God’s love, care, and protection. How do we listen to God? Do we hear Him when he leads us, guides us, encourages us? Do we recognize His voice when He calls? Do we have Ears to Hear?

Want to know more about Ears to Hear? The book is available through Tate Publishing’s website at

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