Christian Devotional – April 24, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 107

Repetition. Read Psalm chapter 107.
Reading through this psalm, we see a basic history of the Israelite people. The followed God. Then they stopped following God. Then they went through difficulty and judgement. Then they turned back to God. Then God forgave and restored them.
This history was repeated multiple times in reality and also in this chapter. This verse that I highlighted is repeated 4 different times in the chapter. It is a great reminder that no matter what we do, we can always turn back to God and repent. It is also a reminder that sometimes we go through difficulties because God is trying to get our attention so that we will repent and return to Him.
Are we crying out to God? Do we turn to him and seek him during the good times and the difficult ones? Do we need to return to Him today?