
Christian Devotional – August 10, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 33

Hidden. Read 2 Kings chapter 11.

It’s hard to imagine growing up being hidden from your family because they want to kill you, yet that is exactly the life that Joash knew. From a very small child, he was hidden away because his grandmother wanted to be Queen and killed all of the rest of the family so that she could.

When we think about what we have gone through and the circumstances of our life, many of us have been through difficult things. But God brought purpose about for Joash, just as he did for us. The training and the teaching that Joash would have had during those 7 years would have shaped the way he trusted and had faith in God. While that is not the childhood that any of us would have wanted for ourselves or for our kids, God used it to forge him into a man who would ultimately bring his country back to worship and faith in God

What we have been through has forged us into who we are and God will use that to bring about his glory. Will we trust him to do that?