
Christian Devotional – August 17, 2014

Read 3 John


3 John 3–It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it.


What would another believer say about you if they were giving a report to this verse’s author, John? Would John be encouraged and joyful or disappointed and embarrassed? Others are always watching and the way we live our life is a testimony of what we believe. Do we daily walk in the path that would bring joy to another believer? Are we faithful to God’s truth each day through the seemingly mundane activities of life or are we lazy in our faith? People are watching and waiting to testify about what they see in our lives. What will they say?


Father, I desire that You have joy when You think of me. Give me the strength and courage to live today faithfully and consistently following Your word. You are my desire, so help me to live that out to bring joy to other believers.