Christian Devotional – August 20, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 85

What is eternal life? Read John 17.
While there may be other passages of scripture that are labeled the Lord’s prayer, John chapter 17 is truly a prayer from the Lord. Here we see Jesus praying the night before his crucifixion. We see how he speaks with his father and prays for his disciples and all those who will believe in him. Also, he explains eternal life. Jesus says that eternal life is knowing God and knowing Jesus. There’s no mention of heaven. There’s no mention of angels or wings or halos or anything like that. Eternal life can be found in Jesus Christ alone.
Around the world today we are seeing the massacre and slaughter of people who believe in Jesus Christ simply because of that belief. We know that their testimony will be shared and we pray that God will get the glory through the entire situation and that people can recognize that Jesus Christ really and truly is Lord of all and he is worth dying for. We can have eternal life, even if that means dying here. Do you have eternal life?