
Christian Devotional – August 20, 2023

The Coming Savior, Day 28

The Lord as the decision maker. Read Exodus chapter 28.

The instructions continue, but this time they involve Aaron and his son’s. God was giving specific instruction on how the people were to communicate with him. Aaron and his sons were going to be the mediators between the people and God. So, Aaron needed a way to communicate with God. God created Aaron’s wardrobe in order to specifically help Aaron remember his responsibility and keep those decisions and the importance of them at the forefront of his heart and mind.

How do we keep our decisions and communication with God at the forefront of our mind? In what way are we focusing on God and his decisions for us? Aaron had a wardrobe full of symbolism to remind him of how God wanted to work and move in his life period have we set app any type of reminders in our lives to keep us focused on God as we go throughout each and every day? Our decisions must be made by God. Are we following through on that today?