Christian Devotional – August 21, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 86

What do you think about Jesus. Read John 18.
Jesus asks Pilot a question, and its a question that we all need to ask ourselves. Is our belief in Jesus based on our own decisions or on what others have said? Ultimately, Pilot was being challenged by Jesus. Jesus wanted to know if Pilot was making his own opinion about who Jesus is. Or, was Pilot simply allowing the opinions of others to determine who he thought Jesus was.
Each and every one of us must come face-to-face with the question of who is Jesus. Each and every 1 of us must make our own decision based on our own encounters with Jesus. Just because other people around us believe in Jesus does not mean that we will. Our relationship with Jesus must be exactly that, a relationship based on an encounter with a living and Holy God.
Our relationship with Jesus is based on our experiences with him and our decision to trust him as Lord and Savior. It’s not based on anyone else and their opinion. Have we answered Jesus’s question? Have we come to the place where we know who Jesus is for ourselves, or are we still relying on the opinions of others?