Christian Devotional – August 21, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 5

Giving credit. Do we recognize why we have blessings in our lives? Do we give credit where it is due? Read Nehemiah 2:6-9.
With all the requests that Nehemiah made, and the fact that the king granted them all, it would be very easy for him to think that the king just really liked him, or that it had to do with how good of a job he had been doing in his role as cup bearer. Yet Nehemiah didn’t do any of those things. Instead he gave the praise where it was due, to God.
Do we praise God and give him credit for the things that he works out for us in our lives? It’s never about what we have done and always about what God has done through us and for us. He’s is always the one that deserves the glory. Are we giving God the praise and glory that he is due?