Christian Devotional – August 22, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 30

What do you smell like? Read Exodus chapter 30.
God is getting down to the specifics with the people. When it comes to the altar and the sacrifices and the most holy places at the tabernacle, there were some things that were specific to that area alone. One thing, there was a special perfume that was only to be worn by the priests. God gave them instructions how to make it, and anyone else who made or wore that perfume who wasn’t a priest was to be cut off from the rest of Israel.
So what do you smell like? The people would have been able to identify the priests based upon the smell because of the perfume they were wearing. God had called them and set them apart and there were very specific things that those people could use to identify who had been set apart.
So, if we are followers of Jesus Christ and we have been set apart, what identifies us? Do we have a specific aroma others around us can identify? Do we “smell” differently than the world?