Christian Devotional – August 25, 2021
Esther, Day 1

One decision. Everything that happens in this book is the result of one decision. Read Esther 1.
After almost 3 months in the New Testament, we’re going to take some time in the Old Testament. The book of Esther has amazing principles of God and his presence, even while never mentioning his name. We see in this first chapter that what is happening is the result of one decision that one woman made. We can argue whether that was the right or wrong decision and I’ve seen commentary that goes both ways. At the end, it was her decision that led to the situation that resulted in the book being written and included in scripture.
When we are facing difficult circumstances, do we recognize God’s hand in our decisions? Do we seek his guidance through our decisions? God desires to see us move more toward him with every decision. Are we doing that? Do we recognize the impact of our decisions on all that can be influenced after that?