
Christian Devotional – August 27, 2024

Hope, Day 1

Deja vu. Read Ezra chapter 1.

After spending the last several weeks reading through the books of Kings, it seemed only fitting to continue the story. But this time, instead of discussing all of the transition and difficulties, we see the hope that God brings to the people of Israel. In French, there is the concept of deja vu, or having seen something already. This chapter reads a lot like the chapters in Exodus when the people are getting ready to leave Egypt. This verse in particular from Ezra chapter one reminded me of Exodus 12:35-36, as all of the people gave them their gold and silver. The same happened here.

God took care of the provision that the people needed to be able to fund the restoration project that he wanted them to do. We never have to work worry about God providing the means to support the work that he wants done. If God is truly in something and wants it done in that timing, he will provide the resources and supplies needed to make it happen.

The question is whether or not we are being faithful with the resources that he gives us? We also see that what God has done in the past he’ll do again. God is constant and faithful and he provides hope to people who are following him.

Check out the YouTube Video here: