
Christian Devotional – August 28, 2015

Read Luke chapter 22


Luke 22:32–“But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”


No one likes hearing that they are going to mess up, and I’m sure that Peter was no exception. However, Jesus made three important statements here. The first, Jesus had prayed for Peter. We can know that no matter what is going on or what we are facing in our lives, Jesus has prayed for us and we are not alone. Second, there is an opportunity for repentance. Jesus mentioned that when Peter turns back. Peter will have an opportunity to confess and repent and turn back to God. We have that same opportunity, no matter what we have done. Finally, Peter is to strengthen his brothers. Because Peter will have gone through a difficult experience, he will be in a unique position to be a source of strength and encouragement to those he was around. As we fall, repent, and are restored, we need to share our story with others so that they can know Jesus forgives and Jesus restores. Are we sharing our story today?


Father, thank You for praying for me so that I may be strengthened and focused on You. Thank You for allowing repentance through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ so that I may be restored from the sin I have done. Thank You for giving me a story and for allowing me to share that story with others. I continue to pray that people will be encouraged and more focused on You as they see what You have done in and through me, knowing that You can do the same in them, too.