
Christian Devotional – August 4, 2015

Read 1 Samuel chapter 29


1 Samuel 29:5–“Isn’t this the David they sang about in their dances: ‘Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands’?”


Our reputation stays with us for a long time. David had gained a reputation as a warrior and even years later, the people he was around had remembered his reputation. Regardless of whether that reputation is of doing good or evil, people will remember it long after. If we make a change in our life, such as giving our life to God, we will find that many people will still have difficulty accepting that there has been a change, but that is no reason to stop doing what God has called us to. It is important to recognize what our reputation is among other people, but it is more important to know what our reputation is with God and seek to please Him with all that we do.


Father, I love You and I desire to have a reputation as someone who follows and obeys You. I know that some people see me that way and others remember a different time in my life. Either way, I will trust You and I desire to please You so that my reputation with You is of a faithful servant.