Christian Devotional – August 5, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 24

In everything that we go through, Christ is over all. As Paul continues to write, we see his incredible emphasis on the lordship of Jesus Christ. Read 2 Timothy 2:8-13.
Paul wants to make sure that we understand that Christ is indeed over absolutely everything. There is nothing that we will experience or go through on this Earth that Christ is not master of. As we are looking at our situation, do we understand all that we need to do in order to ensure that we are following Christ in every area?
We are to be loyal to him, but God knows that we are sinful and even despite Our best efforts, we will mess up. We will fail. We will fail. Still, even when we are faithless, God is faithful. God is indeed over everything and ensures that we are able to experience his grace and mercy. This is a result of who God is and what he’s done for us, not a result of anything we have done for ourselves. Are we remaining faithful to Christ? Are we rejoicing that no matter what, he remains faithful to us?