
Christian Devotional – August 8, 2015

Read Luke chapter 2


Luke 2:50–But they did not understand what he was saying to them.


Here, Jesus has been speaking to Mary and Joseph. Mary and Joseph were certainly not the first people to not understand Jesus and they wouldn’t be the last. Many people today still have this issue where they don’t understand what Jesus is doing or why He is doing something. God does not need our understanding in order to be able to act, but he does need our obedience. The question comes down to trust. Do we trust Jesus to be able to take care of situations that we don’t understand and will we be obedient to Him, even when we don’t understand?


Father, many times in my life I don’t understand why certain things are happening the way they are. I am confused and often don’t see Your plan. That won’t change my commitment to obey and follow You. I trust that even when I don’t understand why You are doing what You are doing, that You do understand. I will be obedient to You and all that You have given me to do.