Christian Devotional – December 26, 2021
Bigger Than Me, Day 1

As we finish out the year, we’re going to take the next 6 days to review where our focus needs to be as we head into the New Year. Read, we will be following the “Bigger than me” reading plan for these 6 days.
Everything that we have done this year has been amazing and as we reflect on it and all the things that we have learned and thought about for this year, we need to recognize and understand what we can learn to do differently next year. What did we do well that we should continue doing? What do we need to change so that we can be more more obedient to Christ in 2022?
For our reading today, will we take a look at Matthew 4:4 and also Romans 12:2. As we think about what we are living off of, what comes to mind? Our food and our nutrition and all the things that we know we need to survive, but yet what really fuels and drives that? How would we focus on those things and what does that look like every day? When we take a look at what really drives us and what we are really seeking to accomplish, what are those goals? Does God give us those goals or are we creating our own goals and then just asking God to bless them? We don’t live on bread alone, we live on every word that comes from Christ.
When we reflect back on this year, what have we been living on? What has fueled us and driven us? Are we living on anything in addition to Christ? Now is the time to evaluate and determine what will we be living on in 2022. After all, we do not live on bread alone but only on every word that comes out of the mouth of Christ.