
Christian Devotional – February 1, 2025

Avoiding the Rollercoaster, Day 1

Keep doing what your doing. Read Judges chapter 1.

Now that we have spent time understanding our purpose, it makes sense to spend some time talking about how to keep that momentum going. You see, the people of Israel knew their purpose and they understood what God had for them to do. They just ended up riding a rollercoaster of obedience and disobedience. How do we keep from following in their footsteps?

As we see from the start of this verse, yes, Israel’s leader had died. However, they continued doing what they were doing under Joshua. They sought the Lord first before they acted. They continued to follow through on what they knew to do. The Israelites knew their purpose and they knew what God had for them.

We know our purpose. And, we know what where God is taking us. There can be times where things come up to distract us. Situations are going to happen. Life is going to happen. We have to continue to do what we know we’re supposed to do. That’s the first step to avoiding the rollercoaster. We must continue to follow through on what God has us doing, regardless of the circumstances that life throws at us.

Video devotional here