Christian Devotional – February 4, 2025
Avoiding the Rollercoaster, Day 4

Be obedient. Read Judges chapter 4.
Ultimately, we must remember that God is the one that acts. Israel was in trouble. They had been disobedient and they had been taken over. Deborah was the judge at that time, and she told Barak that God would give them victory through him. He was nervous about leading the people and requested that she come with him. But as soon as he advanced on the enemy, God brought the victory. It does not say in the verse that Barak won the victory. It says that God brought the victory.
When we are obedient to God, God moves. God just wants us to demonstrate our obedience and to take those steps to show that we are willing to do what he has asked us to do. Ultimately, God will be responsible for bringing the victory. That is God’s job, and God is more than capable of fulfilling it. Are we willing to take even the small steps that God has asked in order to see him, bring about victory? Consistency in the Christian walk is determined by each single choice to be obedient.
Video devotional here: