
Christian Devotional – January 12, 2016

Read Genesis chapter 28


Genesis 28:15–I am with you and I will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised.


As Jacob was leaving, reaping the consequences of his deceit against his brother, he lay down and had a dream. In that dream God appeared to him, which seems to be the first time that God had spoken to him. In this, God explains that He is Lord over all and that Jacob is destined to return to this land. God makes him a promise. When we are following God and truly seeking after Him, He will be found. He keeps His promises to us and He has indicated that He will never leave us either. Do we believe and lid our life based on the promises of God?


Father, Your promises are real and You will do what You have said You are going to do. I know that You are the Lord of all and I will live today knowing that You are by my side and will help me go through whatever today. Thank You for Your presence and Your promise.