Christian Devotional – January 13, 2025
Understanding Purpose, Day 4

Go. Read Matthew 28:19.
These verses are the last verses of the book of Matthew. We see Jesus giving his final commandments to the disciples. Before he ascends back into heaven, he tells him that he has all authority, and then he gives them purpose. They are to go and make disciples and baptize people. There is no question about what God’s expectation is for the remaining believers.
Jesus is returning to heaven. But the believers are not going to heaven yet because they have purpose to fulfill here on earth. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have the same purpose. Our purpose is to go. If we don’t go, who else will? We can go in many different ways, but idea from the Greek is “as we are going.” You see, God knew we were already going to be going places. We are constantly on the move, and as we are going, we are to be sharing and making disciples.
Do we tell others the message of Jesus Christ as we go throughout our day? Who do we encounter that needs to know God’s love for them? Who needs to know the salvation of the Lord? Who needs to understand the grace and mercy that God provides? God has us going, and as we are going, our purpose is to share.
Video devotional here: