
Christian Devotional – January 16, 2024

Understanding Purpose, Day 7

Making plans. Read Proverbs 19:21.

This verse always hits hard for me. I am really good at planning. I make a lot of plans and often, my back-up plans have back-up plans. Yet God reminds me that I can’t out-plan him. Yes, I can make all my plans, but God is ultimately going to acheve his will.

The question I have to ask is, are my plans lining up with God’s plans? That is the only way my plans will last. I must be constantly seeking God first and striving to understand his plans for me. Only by understanding God’s plans will my plans matter. My plans must mirror God’s plans, or else I have to be willing to change them. Am I willing to give up my plans to achieve God’s purpose?

Video devotional here: