Christian Devotional – January 21, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 21

Blessing through family. As we read through day 21 of the Essential Jesus reading plan found on we see the story of Abram and how God used him to bless nations. Read Genesis 12:1-9.
God used Abram to bless many nations. God uses family to bless family. As we take a look at the family that God has placed us in, we see so many people that need to know the love of Christ. God has given us a unique connection to each one of them so that we can share about his love with them. Just like Abram was able to be a blessing to many nations and God used Abram, God can use us to bless our family and bless the people that we come in contact with. Are we willing to be used by God to impact our family and those people we are around most for him? How can we bless our family today?