Christian Devotional – January 23, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 23

God’s prophecies come true. As we continue to read through day 23 of the Essential Jesus reading plan on, we find ourselves in the Old Testament in the book of Micah, chapter 5 versus 1 through 5.
Reading through these verses, we see a prophecy that was made for telling the coming of Jesus. He came as a child and we just celebrated that when we celebrated Christmas.
Why is it important to understand The Bible prophecy about the coming of Jesus? God fulfills his prophecy. We need to understand that no matter what happens, God is going to do what he says he’s going to do. There are still plenty of other prophecies about the return of Jesus that have not yet been fulfilled and we can take heart in those prophecies because of the fact that God has fulfilled the other prophecies. We have a pattern of trust that we can understand and believe in. Are we trusting in all that God has said he will do??