Christian Devotional – January 29, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 29

The suffering servant. As we read through the day 29 plan of The Essential Jesus reading plan on, we are brought to the chapters in Isaiah that are often referred to as The Suffering Servant. Read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12.
God sent his Son Jesus to die for our sins and as a result, Jesus suffered. He shouldn’t have and didn’t deserve to, but he still suffered all the same.
All these verses depict a great and powerful God who was willing to humble hinself to serve us. As we think about all that Christ has done for us, do we remember that he suffered on our behalf. He took the judgment that we should have received.
As we go through today, do we continue to reflect of the power, but also the humility of Jesus Christ? How do we demonstrate that in our lives?