
Christian Devotional – January 30, 2019

Who controls your tongue? What you say about what you do impacts every single part of your day. Yet how much control do you really exercise over the words that come out of your mouth? Read James 1:26-27.

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless.
James 1:26 NASB

We can profess our religiousness all we want, but if we are not actively controlling what we say then our witness and testimony is worthless. What we say is a reflection of what is in our heart. What is in our heart is the deepest desires in most passionate commitments that we have. If those commitments are not centered on our relationship with Jesus Christ, then the words that come out of our mouth will reflect that lack of commitment.

How do we control what we say? It starts with a conscious decision in our minds and in our hearts to be passionate about Jesus Christ and reflect him in everything we do in say. Once we’ve made that decision and commitment to ourselves, then we must filter everything that runs through our brain before it comes out of our mouth.

We will always have impulses to say things that do not reflect christ, but Christ is greater than our impulses. We must intentionally choose words and phrases that reflect our relationship with Jesus Christ and seek to build others up in him. If we are not doing that, then anything else we say about our commitment to Christ comes across as hypocritical and worthless. Will we focus our intentions on reflecting Christ through words today?