
Christian Devotional – January 31, 2019

Known any “privileged” Christians? You know what I mean. These are the people who believe that because they have a relationship with Jesus Christ, that somehow makes them better or superior to every other person. They walk around with their nose of assuming an attitude of privilidge. Read James 2:1.

My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.
James 2:1 NASB

Apparently James had these type of believers in his day as well. Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ does not give us permission to act superior to other believers, or even to act superior to non-believers. Our faith in Jesus Christ is a free gift that God gave by his grace to those who have asked. It is about a submission to His will. And, it is open to anyone who would ask.

Because of this, there is no reason for us to have any type of belief of privilidge or security just because of our belief in Jesus.. In fact, Jesus himself never considered himself superior, taking the role of a servant when he could have taken the role of king. Every one of us need to remember that we are all sinners saved by grace.

After all, as we read earlier in James, everything good is given from the Father, so we can’t even claim to be anything good on our own. Everything good that we are is a result of Jesus Christ working in and through us, so there’s no room for any feelings of superiority. Have grace, show grace to everyone.