Christian Devotional – January 7, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 7

What do we worship? As we look at day 7 of The Essential Jesus reading plan on, we realize that if there is a true savior in Jesus Christ, then there are plenty of fake things out there to worship. The people of Israel understood fake things. They got tired of waiting for Moses and the real God, so they decided to make a fake one. Read Exodus 32.
When we really think about the true Jesus, we recognize all that he is and the way in which he genuinely saves. What do we spend our time worshipping? Are we focused on worshiping Jesus and all that he is, or do we worship anything else? The world is full of false idols and fake gods. Our responsibility is to keep our eyes on the true God so that we are not deceived. Are we focusing on the true God today? Are we keeping our eyes on Jesus?