
Christian Devotional – July 12, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 8

God leads transition. Read 1 Kings chapter 8.

As we read through this passage, it’s important to remember that God is the one who orchestrates transition. No changes occur outside of what God has for each situation. When we take a look at the incredible blessing and dedication prayer that Solomon prays over the new temple, we see very clearly that God is the one who orchestrated this and planned this from the very beginning.

God moves through transition, but he remains the same. It’s important to understand that transition is never really about the change, it’s about God being always the same, and he is always there. But we see and experience transition. We can understand that while it may seem like change to us, it’s really all the same to God.

Are we resting and trusting in his consistency instead of becoming fearful about what we see and experience?