Christian Devotional – July 14, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 2

Why did God give us the law? What was the point of the 10 Commandments? Read 1 Timothy 1:6-11.
As Paul is teaching Timothy, he wants to help him understand why God gave the law in the first place. God gave the law so that we would understand that we were lawbreakers. Without the law come out we would never know that we were sinful. Timothy needed to understand this as he was teaching those around him. He needed to help the people understand that the laws that they had been following for the whole of their life were something they were never meant to be able to fulfill. All they were there for was to show them how they could not fulfill it.
We must understand the same. God and Jesus Christ is about mercy and grace because we can never fulfill God’s requirements for ourselves. Only by our faith in Jesus Christ and accepting his sacrifice will we be worthy.