Christian Devotional – July 17, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 5

Who do we pray for? As we continue through the teachings that Paul gave to Timothy, we see his urging to pray for others. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-8.
Interestingly, Paul does not command Timothy to do this. It is a strong urging. However, the question remains, who do we pray for? Are we focused on those around us and their spiritual needs? Do we concern ourselves with their relationship with God? Are we so broken over their need that we that we focus on continuing to lift them up in prayer?
As we see throughout the rest of scripture, everyone is our neighbor. We need to focus on our evangelism of absolutely everyone that we come into contact with and even those that we don’t come into contact with. How can we better focus on our neighbors? How can we continue to share the love of Christ with everyone we are around?
These are questions that we must be asking ourselves daily. God puts us in exactly the right situation to be an influence for him. The job that we have, the place that we live, where we shop, the church we go to, all of these are opportunities for us to speak to others and encourage others through us. How can we continue to focus on this more today?