Christian Devotional – July 22, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 56

Don’t Worry. Read Luke 12.
As Jesus continues his teaching, he shares this teaching with his disciples. Don’t worry. Trust God. As we look at all that God does for us, we recognize that he knows more than we do about every situation and circumstance that we are part of. We don’t need to worry about anything in our life. God has our life much more under control then we do.
God knows what we need, when we need it, and how we need it. We just trust in him and have faith that he is going to bring us where he wants us to be. In today’s culture, it’s so easy to worry because we feel like we need to have a sense of control over what we do. Faith and trust comes from realizing that we don’t have control, God does. And, we don’t need control, God does. Don’t worry. Have faith and trust in God.