Christian Devotional – July 27, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 61

How do we live out our faith and how does that faith define us? Read Luke 17.
As Jesus continues teaching, we see his disciples asking him about the kingdom of heaven. They want to know and understand better what their future will look like and what it will mean to be part of the kingdom of heaven. Along with this, we see Jesus heal a group of lepers. What is the common theme throughout this chapter? Faith.
Jesus wants us to understand that the same faith that allows him to work and move in our lives in miraculous and wonderful ways is the same faith that helps us understand the coming of the Kingdom of God. We do not have to have a huge amount of faith, because the importance is what we put our faith in. God wants us to understand that by putting our faith in him, even if it’s just a tiny amount of faith, he is worthy and he will fulfill all that he’s promised so our faith is well placed. If we put our faith in other things, they will fail us.
So, even if we have a huge amount of faith but we mis-place that faith into something besides God, that will do us no good. The only thing that we should place our faith in is Jesus Christ. Do we have faith in him? Even if it’s just a small amount of faith, he will never let us down.