Christian Devotional – July 27, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 4

Care and concern. Read Exodus chapter 4.
There is an old saying that people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. We see that lived out in this chapter.
God himself is working to bring about the salvation of the Israelite people. God is demonstrating his might and his power to Moses and then later to the Israelite people. But why do the people bow down and worship to God? They worship God because they see that he cares about them.
God has tremendous care and concern for every aspect of our life. God sees everything we are going through and he hurts with us. God often does not change our circumstances because he is allowing things for his glory, but that does not mean that he does not care.
When we are sharing the message of the good news of God, we must demonstrate the same character toward people that God has toward them. God’s care, concern, compassion for the people is what sets him apart from any other pretend god that may be there. Are we demonstrating the care and compassionof God to others?