Christian Devotional – July 3, 2023
Through Suffering, Day 15

Be alert… for prayer. Read 1 Peter 4:7-11.
Peter begins a section here where he is sharing the way we should conduct ourselves because the end is near. Jesus had told his disciples that they should be in a state of constant readiness for his return. Peter now shares that same message with these people. One interesting aspect is that they should be sober and alert. Now, one would assume that to be true. However, it’s the reason given in this verse they are to be that way that caught my eye. They are to be sober and alert so they can pray.
When we pray, what is the attitude that we come to the Lord with? How do we approach prayer? Prayer is a serious time when we are having conversation with God almighty. We are to take this time and our requests seriously.
Add to that, we should always be in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says that we should pray without ceasing. Our serious and intentional approach to coming before God should become a constant for us. We are to share with God all we think and feel. Our prayers are to be part of our relationship with Him.
Are we taking that tine of relationship building conversation with God seriously? How can we approach him, being alert and sober today?