Christian Devotional – July 6, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 40

What belongs to God? Read Mark 12.
Jesus continued sharing stories and this time we see how God is truly the owner of everything. It starts with the parable about the tenants and tmaster of a field. It ends with Jesus making this statement above and calling out a widow for putting in 2 small coins. Even though others put in more quantity, this woman put in all she had.
When we think about our lives, do we recognize that God is truly the owner of everything. We own nothing. Everything we have is simply a result of what God has allowed us to have and what he is ultimately the owner of. Do we care for God’s things and remember that they are God’s things? Or do we treat them like they are our own things? What in our lives do we need to change our perspective and hand over control back to him? He owns everything.