
Christian Devotional – July 6, 2022

The Prophet of Redemption, Day 8

God can do beyond anything that we could ever dream. Read Zechariah chapter 8.

As we read these verses, and this verse specifically, we see that that God is the God of the miraculous. God takes situations that seem hopeless and down and depressing and does so much more than anything we could ever have conceived of.

Personally, going through some challenging times and reading this verse today, I find it difficult to conceive that God would be able to still work and move. Yet, He is doing just that. I don’t see God’s plan and I feel rejected and abandoned, but my feelings aren’t truth. God is in control and I can trust that my focus on Him and my seeking after Him haven’t been in vain. He knows the situation and is working in such a way that He will receive all the glory. He is going to do something that I couldn’t even imagine that will seem marvelous to me. My rejection is simply an opportunity for His glory and I will praise Him through the pain.