
Christian Devotional – June 1, 2022

Days of the Judges, Day 17

“Oh Lord, bless me.” But, are we really doing something that the Lord will bless? Read Judges 17.

They may talk about the Lord a lot in this chapter and use his name throughout, but there is not much actual obedience to God in this chapter. These people are doing whatever they want to do, in whatever way they want to do it, and they are hoping God will bless it.

How often do we do the exact same thing? We are busy doing whatever we want, in whatever way we want, and then we pray to God and ask that God will bless our mess. Do we really expect God to bless something that doesn’t honor him and isn’t of him in the first place? We need to be following and seeking him first because God will only bless that which brings him glory. Our plans and our actions must come from him and then he will bless them.