Christian Devotional – June 11, 2023
Journey of Ruth, Day 2

Boaz meets Ruth. Read Ruth chapter 2.
Ruth had made a conscious decision in the chapter before to not be swayed, but to be obedient to the calling that God had for her life. She went forward with that calling and came back with Naomi. Now, she has been introduced to Boaz, the owner of the field. Boaz recognizes in her the obedience and he gives her a blessing based upon her obedience.
When we are seeking to be obedient, it’s often not easy. We often struggle with understanding that obedience and knowing what we couldn’t or could do. Or, like we mentioned last time, people are discouraging us from being obedient. Still, there are those people who recognize the obedience and others and choose to comment on it and bless them for it.
Do you notice when other people are being obedient and do you encourage them in their obedience to Christ? Are you a person who is continuing to be obedient to Christ regardless of what is going on around?