Christian Devotional – June 12, 2023
The Journey of Ruth, Day 3

Please save me. Read Ruth chapter 3.
The time has come for Ruth to ask Boaz for help. Naomi orchestrates the entire event, knowing what needs to happen and how she believes Boaz will respond. She gives Ruth specific direction, and Ruth follows it exactly. And then the moment comes. Boaz asks who are you, with the implied question of what are you doing here? Ruth answers. She tells him who she is and asks him for the help that she needs.
Oftentimes, we do not like to admit our need for help. Especially in the American culture, independence is a valued and prized. However, we all need help from our heavenly father, and sometimes from other believers.
Do we admit our need for help and do we go ask for it? Do we offer our help when others are asking for it? Sometimes, we are so focused on only offering help to others, that we forget to ask for help for ourselves. It must be both. God desires to help us, and many times he will wait for us to ask. Are we asking God for help today?